How we’re keeping you (and us) safe during Covid-19

We know everyone is feeling a bit of wear-out when it comes to Covid-19 but it’s still a very real concern. We’ve made loads of changes and upgrades to help ease your anxiety should you contact us for an estimate. We keep on top of the latest protocols to ensure we’re complying with guidelines as well as state and local restrictions.
Roofing falls within the construction category and is considered an essential business. Roofs are critical to keeping residential and commercial buildings safe, including single-family homes. Emergency roof repairs and installs don’t stop and we worked throughout the shut down.
Going Digital

This was one of the first things we did when the pandemic hit. Going digital enabled us to continue working for our customers. By upgrading our system, we could then do all of what used to be face-to-face completely contact-free. We began sending videos and pictures of our findings during or immediately after the estimate appointment via text or email so our customers could see what we seen and explain everything. This also improved safety for our customers as homeowners didn’t feel as much need to climb on the roof themselves to see what issues their roof had. If possible, we would even set up live video meetings and show them in real time which allowed homeowners to ask questions in the moment.
We can do everything from estimates to payments without customers ever having to come into the office or even go outside to meet with our staff. We found this upgrade not only improved our own record keeping but it allowed our customers to be able to schedule around THEIR lives more. Time off from work for the appointment wasn’t a necessity. Getting the kids their lunch didn’t have to come to a halt to deal with a contractor. A homeowner could go through the process while still in their PJs.
We utilize apps from manufacturers such as Owens Corning and GAF to give you a visual representation of what your new roof may look like so you can choose the shingle that best suits your aesthetic. We’ll even use graphics software to do it ourselves if our customers need it.
Social Distancing and Masks

While in most cases, once work begins a customer doesn’t need to be remotely near the crew (or even at home for that matter), we still reminded our crews to social distance as much as possible from customers. We made sure everyone had masks and sanitizer. Vehicles each had their own cleaning kit and were wiped down regularly. On the occasion we had elderly or immuno-compromised customers, we ensured there was never any contact and made sure the crews knew this was extra important on these job sites. We made sure the site foreman had the homeowner’s contact info and vice versa in case there was any questions during the work.
As for our own crews, we limit close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet, when possible. We limited the number of workers in small workspace areas such as trailers and vehicles, and spaces under construction if possible.
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Our line of work does not require the N95 masks in regards to Covid-19.
Should a customer feel more comfortable coming into the office, we sanitize each time someone enters or exits the building and limit where staff and customers are allowed. Office staff wear masks when the restrictions require it.
Getting it done
When it’s time to start the work, we may not need to come into your home at all. Should any of the roofers need access to the attic, we can give you advanced notice, so you can clear a pathway and do what you need to do to keep yourself and family members safe.
We want YOU to feel as safe and sure as possible. If you have any questions please contact us. If you’d like to book a contact-free estimate appointment, call or office 989-823-7283 or go to our Contact Us page for more info.